NY State Implements Major Changes to the Uniform Rules for the Supreme and County Courts

Following a public comment period, the Chief Administrative Judge of the New York courts recently issued Administrative Order 270/2020 implementing substantial changes to general civil practice in New York Supreme Court. The rule changes go into effect on February 1, 2021.
The new rules, almost 30 in total, adopt many of the existing rules and procedures of the Commercial Division of the New York Supreme Court, which the administrative judge referred to as an “incubator” and a “recognized leader in court system innovation.”
A brief overview of the new rules:
- Appearing counsel must have knowledge and authority regarding the case
- Interrogatories are limited to 25 in number
- Limits on the number of depositions and hours per deponent
- Counsel must meet and confer prior to raising discovery disputes with the court
- A requirement of more specific responses and objections to discovery responses.
- Limits on the length of motion papers
- Significant changes to summary judgment practice (including a requirement that the movant annex a statement of undisputed facts)
- Modifications to order to show cause and temporary restraining order practice with the goal of limiting the use of those proceedings to true “emergencies”
- Numerous changes to trial practice and procedure concerning exhibits, witnesses, trial memoranda and testimony
- Staggered court appearances on motions in place of open-ended calendar calls.
The full text of Administrative Order 270/20 can be found here.
As Westchester County’s go-to law firm for high-stakes litigation, Yankwitt LLP practices extensively in both the Commercial Division and New York Supreme Court general civil parts. Yankwitt LLP offers our clients credentialed New York City attorneys at Westchester prices. We look forward to assisting you with your New York state court matters in the Commercial Division or otherwise. We can be reached at (914) 686-1500, or you can find us on the web at www.yankwitt.com.