Managing Partner Russell Yankwitt, who regularly represents clients in arbitration, will moderate a panel discussion, “Arbitration Clauses in Attorney Engagement Letters – Are They Enforceable? Can They be Unethical?” hosted by the Westchester County Bar Association. The event will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 12:30 p.m. (rescheduled from November 30, 2021). The three-member panel will, among other things, explore the following scenario:
A sophisticated New York businessperson signs a retainer agreement with her attorney in which she waives her right to a jury trial and agrees to submit disputes to arbitration under the rules and procedures of a private arbitration provider. The attorney provides a hyperlink to the rules and procedures in the retainer agreement and offers to answer any questions the client has about the agreement. A fee dispute arises with the client. Is the arbitration clause enforceable?
CLE Credits: 0.5 Ethics, 1.0 Law Practice Management
Cost: $15 WCBA members/$20 Non-members
More information and registration is available on the WCBA website.