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Category: Articles

Yankwitt LLP Obtains Complete Defense Verdict at Arbitration and Then Wins Summary Judgment Motion Dismissing All Claims Against Casino Client


Yankwitt LLP successfully moved for summary judgment to dismiss all claims against its casino client brought in New Jersey Superior Court, Ocean County.  The plaintiff alleged he suffered gastrointestinal injuries after eating at one of the casino’s restaurants.  Yankwitt LLP’s deep dive into the plaintiff’s medical history, however, revealed that […]

Fourth Quarter 2022 Westchester County Roundup


Judge Halpern Denies Town of Carmel Residents’ Motion to Intervene  Judge Halpern examined the twin doctrines of permissive intervention and intervention as of right in a suit brought by a telecom company against a municipality. The Court denied a motion to intervene by town residents. It found that the proposed intervenors […]

New York Law Journal Publishes Real Estate Article on the Future of Specific Performance Co-Authored by Yankwitt LLP and Zarin & Steinmetz


Is the legal remedy of “specific performance,” which dates back to English Common Law, a relevant approach to resolving real property disputes today, or should it be retired in favor of monetary damages? That timely question is addressed in the New York Law Journal article “Specific Performance’s ‘Land Is Unique’ […]

The Client Made Me Do It:  Attorney-Client Relationship Precludes Attorney Liability for Tortious Interference with Contractual Relations


Attorneys serve their clients as advisors, counselors, advocates – and agents:  The client, as principal, is authorized to direct the actions of the attorney, as agent, in accordance with representation.  A recent Second Department decision examines the scope of that agency relationship in the context of a third-party claim that […]